Vente de Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m Nacelle articulée de Les Pays-Bas, 22900 EUR - ID: 8397666
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22 900EUR

  • ≈ 15 021 415 XOF
  • ≈ 24 859 USD

Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m

Nacelle articuléeSnorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m

22 900EUR

Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m

Publié: 1mois 13jour(s)

Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 1
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 2
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 3
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 4
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 5
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 6
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 7
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 8
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 9
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 10
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 11
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 12
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 13
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 14
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 15
Nacelle articulée Snorkel A38E Valid Inspection, *Guarantee! Electric, 13.5m: photos 16
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Publié: 1mois 13jour(s)


22 900EUR

  • ≈ 15 021 415 XOF
  • ≈ 24 859 USD

Numéro de référence

PR-Id 62152
Année de fabrication

Poids total à charger

3880 kg
Longueur repliée

4100 mm
Largeur repliée

1500 mm
Hauteur repliée

2000 mm
Capacité de levage

215 kg
Hauteur de levage

13500 mm

Les Pays-Bas, Niederlande, Groenlo

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Plus d'information

Horizontale Reichweite: 610 cm

Snorkel A38E 13.5m Electric Articulating Boomlift This Snorkel Has A Valid Inspection Till 06-2023 and can be sold with warranty. Inform about our conditions! Manufacturer: Snorkel Typ: A38E Serial nr: A38E-01-200601280 Building year: 2020 Fuel: Electric Working Hours: 154h Max. working height: 13.5m Max. horizontal reach: 6.1m Clearance height at max. outreach: 5.4m Platform floor size (inside): 0.69m x 1.11m Platform capacity (SWL): 215kg Max. drive height: 11.5m Max. drive speed (elevated): 0.5km/h Max. drive speed (stowed): 4.0 km/h Non marking Tyres: 80% Ground clearance: 120mm Gradeability; 36% Superstructure rotation: 360° Overall length: 4.1m Overall width: 1.5m Stowed height: 2.0m CE (Declaration of Conformity). More detailed pictures / product movie on our website. Above specifications are subject to change without prior notice and subject to errors.

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22 900EUR

  • ≈ 15 021 415 XOF
  • ≈ 24 859 USD

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